Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Terrible Two's

I don't think turning 2 indicates that your child is all the sudden going to become "terrible"... Heck for me, they were already there.   Let me rephrase that, I don't think my kids are "terrible" it just some of their behaviors.  Or is it me that is terrible, in my expectations.  Experts say this is a time of setting boundaries and exploration.  Kids at this age are learning from their environment what they can and can not do.  Who will respond to whines and who doesn't?  

But I sit back and ponder, I have an 11 and 13 year olds as well, isn't life about boundaries and exploration.  I don't think it only happens at two.  At two it is more about learning to push those boundaries.  We all need boundaries and guidelines, but we also know how to push them.

Here are a few shots of our 2nd Birthday!

I don't think she ate much cake, she just licked the icing off the cake!

She got so mad at Graham because he was teasing her about eating her cake. And we wonder why she is rotten?

Excitement is brewing because Hayes is going to see the Otters at the aquarium. 

She squealed and squealed over the turtles, unfortunately the otters were asleep!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Lizards

We have lot's of little lizards running around the house.  The kids are amazed by them.  Neither the kids nor my husband believed me that they would bite, until Kenzie picked one up and guess what... it bit her!

After the frog episode last summer, I couldn't believe Hayes actually pet the lizard.
Please ignore the screen that has been punched was open at the bottom, but now its open all the way through.

I think Kenzie had just as much fun with the lizard as Hayes!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Metal Mouth

    Isn't that what kids with braces are called?  Well the nickname has probably become much crueler over the years, but I remember... "Metal Mouth" and "Brace Face".  We made a trip to the orthodontist today to determine if the kids would need braces or not..... and they do, to the tune of $10,000.  I think we are going to get a second opinion.  Here are a few shots from the trip.
Are we done yet?

Makenzie smiling pretty for the camera!

Wow.. Graham looking good!

Stay tuned for an update on the brace saga...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Today is the end of Mardi Gras and is more commonly known as Fat Tuesday!  This really wouldn't have made a hill of beans to me, except for the fact that we went to NOLA this past August for Aunt Sarah's wedding.   We loved the city and really felt that there were a lot of similarities with Charleston. 

Anyways we decided to have our own Fat Tuesday celebration, with our very own King Cake~

I bought this mix while we were in NOLA.

The kit was very self explanatory and included just about everything one would need.  I didn't think it had enough icing so I improvised.

Hayes helped me to prepare the counter with flour to roll out the dough!

She even helped me by sampling the icing!

I thought she turned out real pretty.

Our friend Hayes even came over to celebrate with us!

And look someone found the baby!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Grocery Store and a Day off from School

I have been trying to plan our weekly menu, for a couple of reasons.  I don't know about you, but I get frustrated asking the hubs and my family what they want for dinner, only to hear.."I don't care!"  But then we you start listing several items, they don't want that... Can we say FRUSTRATION!!!! Not to mention I am trying to limit the trips I make to the store to once a week...

Even though we love our Publix grocery store...

But I don't want to have to go every other day. 

Kenzie and  I are trying to coupon some, but I am not buying a 10 years suppy of laundry detergent, just because I can get it at a great price~

Couponing and Shopping is ....


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Learning to Stay at Home ~

I have the joy of staying at home now.  Really for two reasons:  one, I didn't want to start a teaching job in the middle of the year and two, we don't have a babysitter for the baby!  Good reason, I just don't want her to stay with just anyone, and I really don't know anyone yet.  That is a project for a rainy day, or when I feel led to do so.

Well after a month the house, should look like the inside of a Better Homes and Garden magazine. 

This was a model home by Lennar, we looked at.
 Well it doesn't...I have never been one of those domestic goddesses that spend their waking hours cleaning and everything has a place or its gone.   Some days I wish I was a little more like that, but I would rather be cooking, playing with the kids, or let's face it reading blogs and playing on Pinterest.  An addict yes I am!

I did however bake cookies with the two girls yesterday afternoon and I must say that I am rather pleased with myself.  Here is what we made:

Pink Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies

I saw the recipe on Pinterest and it led me to the Life Is Sweets website, so we had to try them.  I used the peanut butter cookie recipe from the Betty Crocker cookbook and adapted it a little.  Here are a few pictures from our day!

pink peanut butter cookie dough

A little too much coloring!

I will get the fower for you mom!

Kenzie cleaning up...

An attempt at cleaning... the child is addicted to cleanup wipes.

The finished project...we were rather pleased.  The peanut butter cookies themselves were the best!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Playtime at the Park

We went out for a stroll today...

Hayes was getting a little stir crazy in the house...

We played on the playground equipment...

 And went down the slide...

And played in the sand...

Don't judge because she dressed herself!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A little decorating...

I finally unpacked the boxes of porcelain birds that belonged to Lee's grandmother.  His aunt wanted us to have them now that we have a house that could accomodate them.  Well as you can see, I had a tough time getting the birds in the case...

This little girl loves those birds, but I think she loves the cabinet more.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New School...

The kids are starting a new school today, I am very nervous for them.  But they are more resilient than I am, I think they will be okay.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Unpacking... or Not

  The guys from the moving company made a few comments about how much "stuff" we had... One even said that he had to go into the second roll of stickers to number the boxes, and he rarely did that.  How could we have so much in such a small house. 

   I don't need to tell you how much fun unpacking has been.  We actually did fairly well getting things unpacked.  In two weeks, time the only rooms I have left are the sewing room and Hayes's room.  Not bad... I think!

The kitchen is straight!

And the Girl's bathroom...

I might would be furthur along if the help wasn't fishing!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year... New Beginnings

  We arrived in Charleston, January 2nd at 12:30 am.  What a long day we had finishing up at the old house and saying our goodbyes...

Monday was spent cleaning and preparing the house for the moving company.  Because they were to arrive Tuesday morning early, but you will never believe it, the truck broke down again!

Thank goodness we didn't find any furniture for our living room, despite the fact we didn't have any chairs to sit or relax on, but we survived...

 And had fun:)

STAIR SLIDING>>> with the blow up mattress.

The fun ended when the truck finally arrived late Tuesday, but nothing was moved in until Wednesday. But as you can see by early afternoon, the truck was emptied...

..into the living room

   Actually, they put the boxes and furniture where I asked them too, this was just the overflow.

The real fun didn't begin until...

we began unpacking

After a shower, and some cheerios... some of us were worn out!

...unpacking is very tiring!

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Move....

What's the old adage...if it could go wrong it will go wrong.  To start off we have a beautiful Brittany that loves the outdoors and loves to run and run and run. Needless to say moving to a subdivision is not the most appropriate environment for her.  We found a wonderful home for her but found out a a few weeks prior to moving that Maddie was expecting... So now she and the puppies will be making the move with us. (She had 9 puppies Christmas night!)

The week of the move is here and the moving company is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday. (2 days after Christmas!)  I am feeling like a truck ran over me and at 10:30 am when no one has arrived, I begin to worry.  After a call, to the moving company, I find out that their truck instrument panel has stopped working.  Oh my, is this a sign of what is to come... Of course it is, when 2 hours later another company, I didn't know was coming, arrive to box up our TVs and the washer and dryer.  You have got to be kidding me.  No television noise for 5 days and no laundry, this can't be happening.

The moving truck arrives on Wednesday, and we pack and pack and pack.   I have never heard so many comments about how much "stuff" we have.  Well we do...The packing takes a full three days and finally at 10 pm on Friday night the truck is packed.  However as I walk through the house, I realize that I told them oh we will take that, equated to a u-haul trailer worth... what on earth was I thinking!

That whole bad boy was full!!!

I had to go rent a u-haul trailer to take the few things, that wouldn't fit in my husbands truck or my van... and don't forget I am hauling a mama dog, her 9 puppies, and my three kids!  Lot's of fun!

Our last family picture in front of the house that it all began in!