Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Terrible Two's

I don't think turning 2 indicates that your child is all the sudden going to become "terrible"... Heck for me, they were already there.   Let me rephrase that, I don't think my kids are "terrible" it just some of their behaviors.  Or is it me that is terrible, in my expectations.  Experts say this is a time of setting boundaries and exploration.  Kids at this age are learning from their environment what they can and can not do.  Who will respond to whines and who doesn't?  

But I sit back and ponder, I have an 11 and 13 year olds as well, isn't life about boundaries and exploration.  I don't think it only happens at two.  At two it is more about learning to push those boundaries.  We all need boundaries and guidelines, but we also know how to push them.

Here are a few shots of our 2nd Birthday!

I don't think she ate much cake, she just licked the icing off the cake!

She got so mad at Graham because he was teasing her about eating her cake. And we wonder why she is rotten?

Excitement is brewing because Hayes is going to see the Otters at the aquarium. 

She squealed and squealed over the turtles, unfortunately the otters were asleep!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Lizards

We have lot's of little lizards running around the house.  The kids are amazed by them.  Neither the kids nor my husband believed me that they would bite, until Kenzie picked one up and guess what... it bit her!

After the frog episode last summer, I couldn't believe Hayes actually pet the lizard.
Please ignore the screen that has been punched was open at the bottom, but now its open all the way through.

I think Kenzie had just as much fun with the lizard as Hayes!